Project Statement
This is an ongoing artistic project seeking to explore modern and abstract art through experimenting with media, paints, styles and technique and the making of art and radically examine concepts and ideas to free the mind and liberate the hart this alternative creative individual approach will explore the value and personal perceptions I have of modern abstract and expressive visual art.
The process of exploring, recording and publishing the artwork and paintings that this art project produces as it will be of immense value to artist, painters, students and art collectors alike as well as providing a visual record and valuable insight to the mind and creative methods of an artist. As an individual artist I will both expand and confront my personal awareness of what art is and how to make art.
Why I started this ongoing art project
To challenge and expand my visual vocabulary, the direction, processes and driving forces behind paintings that I produce. By radically examining the creative processes, will develop a deeper understanding and a versatile approach to making art better not just for myself but all those with an interest in Modern art and abstract painting.
Making art from the hart and soul
Modern art is visual vocabulary an abstract communication of concepts and expressive emotional content drawn from the artist and expressed as colour shape and form in an image, (a painting) encompasses more than a single moment in time and space. By considering, exploring and understanding myself I can by drawing on my emotional state express this exciting visual narrative fully, bringing energy, vitality and life alive with substance, colour and artistic talent that pushes on the very boundaries of humanity.
Exploring different media, equipment and surfaces
With an unrestricted range of media, equipment and surfaces I will be free to explore, consider and experiment with all forms of media from pastels to inks, water colour, acrylic, mixed-media, photo, film and found objects and even. Dare I say it “Installations”. developing an alternative creative approach to all forms of art, media, paints, styles and techniques that is both fun and unconventional, will open up new possibilities, skills and concepts that will explore and pose new questions on my existing boundaries of modern, abstract and expressive visual art’s.
Painting is a liberating freedom of the spirit
Painting is for me a truly liberating expression of self. It is fear and exhilaration, peace and turmoil, excitement and the mundane it is like standing on the ground while touching the sky. It is power and frailty that is very being that I am communicating expressive inner energy through paint colour shape and form that inspire and inform