outside the frame is thinking about and making art “outside the box” By exploring art and experimenting with media, paints, styles and technique

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

#6 Modern abstract painting in blue

Following on from the previous painting (painting #5) I again set out with no clear idea of what I wanted to paint other than a basic notion. Painted quickly as a simple monochrome painting of blue acrylic paint allowing myself half an hour to complete the piece. However I soon felt that the painting needed some definition and  added a touch of red to deepen shade and provide contrast. The broken finish is a result of the hasty brushwork but seams to add to the overall feel of the piece.

#6 Modern abstract painting
9 x 13 inches approx
Acrylic paint on paper

No clear idea, Is that a good thing?

I started this piece without any clear idea of where I wanted to go with it and as a result I soon found that I did not like the direction that it seamed to be heading. I have to ask myself, Is it of any value to have a clearly defined idea before beginning or should I simply guide the process and see what happens, allowing a painting to come about of its own accord ?

Making decisions and trying a novel approach to things is in part what this whole art project is about.  In this case I tried the latter. So I splashed and splattered paint across the painting and added pencil to provide definition.  OK, Its nothing special but is it a complete mess or did I save it ! Let me know what do you think I would be very interested.
#5 Modern splattered painting 
9 x 9 inches approx Acrylic paint and pencil on paper

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Acrylic on paper

A simple abstract modern painting exploring shape and form. This painting was taken from a rough sketch in one of my books, that I have not had the courage to commit to canvas as yet. The simple fact is that I was intimidated by the amount of space within the picture and yet its simplicity and visual openness seams to work very well… I have got to overcome these innate fears of mine!

This art project is all about overcoming fears and exploring ideas and if I consider the results of this piece alone then I am already one step closer to being a better artist and painter…
#4 Modern abstract painting
Acrylic paint on paper 9 x 9 inches approx
Painted in blues because that is what I had out at the time and this seamed to feel right, I allowed myself an hour to complete the painting, nevertheless I overran by 15 minuets but I am not going to kick myself for that, as I think that it works quite well, but on reflection I think it needs a touch of colour perhaps red? And some more exploration as an idea or concept.

This is one of a number of sketches Drawn after stopping at a Neolithic walkway we found on Dartmoor on a cold wet misty day a few years ago. I have tried to capture the feel of the long lines of standing stones, fallen, missing, buried, large and small. The magic and mystery that these ancient places seam to hold is at time quite breathtaking, when one considers that they possessed none of the machinery or technology that we so often take for granted today.

#3 Modern abstract painting

#3 monochrome painting
Acrylic paint on paper
9 x 9 inches approx
Ultramarine monochrome abstract painting. This is not the sort of thing I normally paint, but it forms part of an ongoing art project exploring art, colour, shape, form and texture through as wide a range of artistic media and styles. Monochrome is a style of painting that explores the purity and emotional effects of a single colour.

The value and impact of colour to the human mind is at times difficult to understand as each of us perceive colour in distinct ways that draw on personal and environmental experiences and as a result creating differing emotional responses within the mind of the viewer.

Blue is without doubt the favourite colour for both men and women, invoking  deep feelings of calm, dependable, serene and sedate as it is the colour of the sky and what we think is the colour of the sea. However some bright blues appear to express excitement and vibrancy while other shades of blue might feel cold or lifeless. Indigo might encourage the viewer to become pensive or self-aware as it has a quality of mysticism and profound knowledge. As artists handling and understanding the values and complexities of colour beyond those of mere contrast is vital.

With this painting I was stuck by the compositional similarities to #1 despite being  painted some time later and without reference to the earlier piece.  Is this a subliminal or psychological process within me? which is perhaps something I should consider and explore further. Although not a big fan of acrylic paint I was however, impressed with the intensity and energy of the ultramarine blue.

the first painting

#1 Abstract modern art
Acrylic on paper 9 x 9 inches approx
This is the first painting of my ongoing artist project, painted as a monochrome painting in acrylics with a rapid and broken finish, as I had set myself a shot time frame to complete the piece of half and hour.  I do not normally like painting with acrylic paint as find the rapid drying time a distant limitation, however with this artwork I used this to my advantage allowing each layer to semi-dry and become tacky so as when the bush was drawn across the surface new colour was picked up creating a sense of depth and movement.

Monochrome painting forms a valuable part of modern avant-garde in art movements right through the 20th century, like Abstract Expressionist and Minimalism.  Artists and painters use the single colour monochrome style as a means to convey a variety emotions, sense and value that such painting can provoke through the play of light and texture.

This simple painting technique is both subtle and dramatic way to consider the emotional value of colour on the human psyche, that any artist or painter regardless of skill can employ to create a high impact painting. however to truly understand and execute a monochrome takes some expertise and knowledge.

For further study take the time to look at the work and motives of artists such as Rodchenko, Kazimir Malevich, Ad Reinhardt and Yves Klein to list just a few of the artist who have produced notable monochrome paintings.